Wednesday, January 16, 2008

in for a laugh?!

I've come to the harsh realization that my apartment is unfortunately not going to clean itself- at least not anytime soon.

With Annie arriving in just 2 weeks, I think it's about time I just hire someone to come and clean this damn place. It's really just TOO difficult to do on my own. I'm sure you think I'm just complaining, but when you're really only here to sleep and shower-- because I'm out the door at 9 am, and most days not back until 9pm or later, the dust and grim accumulate easily.

I've also decided that food and necessities are never going to make their way to my apartment unless I go to the store. This includes, detergent, toliet paper, and trash bags so I can throw my freaking garage away.

I've been so wrapped up in my 12 hour work days, and seeing movies, that I've neglected my apartment. But then again, I don't really like being in it anyway! See the dilemma?!

Joonho, Samantha, and I are off to the Winter Festival this weekend- formally known as the ice fishing weekend- but I think we'll probably do the other activities more than ice fishing.

Anyways, it's almost 1 am and I have a twelve hour day ahead of me tomorrow.

2 weeks until Annie is here, and less than 3 weeks until THAILAND!


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